Sunday, November 2, 2008

Marie and Freddie, sittin' in a tree

These past two months since John's wedding have been interesting to say the least. I never thought I would like Jason as much as I do. He's just so sweet. He got up and made pancakes and bacon this morning. Seriously? Every day I learn something new and continue to be impressed. I had a migraine last night and he didn't try to get some. He's patient. And kind. And sweet. And cute. And funny. And I could go on and on. I'm so excited to go to Cincinnati this weekend. I can't wait to be in the house with that many people and just be silly and tipsy. I have an interview at St. Francis Bartlett on Wednesday. We're gonna watch the returns Tuesday night and eat chili. Hopefully I won't repeat the last time I ate chili. Note to self--don't drink vodka and Simply Limeade. Or if I do, drink plenty of water. This is gonna be a good week. Things are looking up.