Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Everyone else is doing it, so why can't I?

Leslie has me inspired once again. Figured I would try to start writing at least twice a week, if only to be able to look back and laugh. Right now I'm at work (not working apparently), listening to people talk about the old days when they mouth-pipetted. The thought of someone's spinal fluid in my mouth is not appealing, especially right after lunch.

So here I am. Fabulous life, even though I work 2 jobs and have a little bit of a debt problem. 2nd job is leading to less debt, so at least I'm on the right track. Hopefully by next fall when J starts pharmacy school I will be able to be a one-job Betty Crocker with dinner on the table every night. That's pretty much my dream. Take some online stuff for my MPH. Life should continue to be good. I really want us to live together, but with his dad in Cali, he takes care of the house and two people + two houses = not the ideal living situation.

Off to work on my "how to plan a meeting" guide for the Chicago meeting. Detailed, everything I know or have learned, step by step guide to plan a continuing education meeting from start to finish. A little bit more of a project than I was anticipating, but then the best stuff always is a little more work. Hopefully I can get it on the website so newbies like me won't have to fly by the seat of their pants like I did.

Here's to blogging. And to cocktail hour!

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