Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Midtown's Biggest Loser 2: Beauty and Perspective

So here we are again in 2010, about to crank up Midtown's Biggest Loser 2. I really can't remember if we lost last time or not, but this time we're doing it as individuals, so I won't bring Theissen down with my lack of weight loss.

Before Christmas, we did a thing at work called "Maintain for a Month", with the goal being not to gain any weight over the holidays. I weighed in on the (I'm assuming it's accurate) scale that day at 139. This is the most I can ever remember weighing. After New Year's the scale read 134.8. I am relatively proud of the fact that I didn't gain, and that I actually lost a little.

Here's the rub--lots of people, including my mom, tell me that I'm the perfect weight and that I don't need to lose any. Well, I can tell you right now that I WANT to lose weight. I don't know if I NEED to or not, but I want to. And, at the ripe old age of 31, I think that's my business. All I know is that in four years, when Jason graduates and we are sitting by a pool in an undisclosed location, I want to be concentrating on HIM and his accomplishment, and US and the great time we're having, and NOT HOW I FEEL IN A BIKINI. If that means that I need to lose a few pounds, then so be it. That's what I will do.

If you know me at all, you know that to call me a 'hyper-organized control freak' is a bit of an understatement. I seem to have gotten everything in my life (house, plan for finanaces, school, work, family, friends, love life) in satisfactory order for my ridiculus standards. But I have never been able to get my weight under control. I've read that you can only control one or two things at once, and if you try more than that, you're prone to not control anything at all. Maybe this is my problem. But I think it's time to put MYSELF first and worry about other things later.

So here are some of my 2010 goals...take my vitamins every day. cut back on the fast food. drink more water. get rid of this cold/allergy situation. get more fiber. plan my meals. cut out red meat. when I use something up, replace it with something recycled, compostable, non-toxic, or eco-friendly. buy in bulk so I don't go to Target for 'one thing' and leave with my wallet $200 lighter. In general, just try to live a more aware (of myself, others, and the planet) life.

So back to the Biggest Loser. Here's my plan, and I will need encouragement to stick to it...work out 4 times a week. This will likely be Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. I have a treadmill at home, and I would love to be able to RUN the Gibson this year. Me and Jason will go to the gym and do weights on the weekends. Ideally, I would fit yoga in on the weekends as well. Eat right...I'm thinking high-protein yogurt and fruit for breakfast, soup and sandwich (turkey or veggie) on high-fiber bread, fruit for lunch, and either a Larabar (Bartlett nights) or fish and veggies (non-work night) for dinner. Plenty of water and tea need to be in that mix as well. Last night was kind of silly--we had Barfo Bell when I got home, and then I 'chased' my vitamins with a Gibson's lemon-filled donut. Really? That's like getting McD's and drinking a Diet Coke with it. Needless to say, I had heartburn and a nauseous tummy and puffy eyes this morning. Just all-around crappy.

So I guess the moral of this extremely long and rambling post is this: I, like so many others, need to get my ass in gear. I would like to lose 15-20 pounds. This is going to be hard. I realize that I'm never going to look like Gisele. I like to eat, I don't want to survive on lettuce, and I'm only 5'3". It's just not gonna happen. What I CAN do is strive to take care of myself and be the best Kiki that Kiki can be. I know I'm gonna slip up. I'm not going to starve myself. There is no reason that I can't be healthy and happy and just all around fabulous. I may not be the Biggest Loser, but that's ok.

On a waaaayyy side note, I found Laura Geller's Lip Heal and Seal gloss. It's the bomb. Dual-chamber tube, with color and clear. Perfect texture and it rocks in the cold weather we've been having.

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